Professional pianist and all around musician, Mike has been playing piano for upteen million years. I spoke to him earlier today. About sending me some content to place here about himself. The lonely website developer is sitting here waiting for it to arrive. I also hope he will follow up with a phone call to let me know he sent it when it all goes down. Thank you Mike. Still thinking Ryn is more likely to get this done for me. HMU
And by the way, Mike supports PBS television.
Guitar is blond in color Not white as I was made aware of earlier today. Guitar is blond in color Not white as I was made aware of earlier today Guitar is blond in color Not white as I was made aware of earlier today Guitar is blond in color Not white as I was made aware of earlier today.
You never know what Mike will put out. Sometimes surprising an audience with his accordian. I have seen this guy on stage with this accordian playing with hard rock and roll bands and it just really gives the songs some kick.